2013年2月25日 星期一

On the Express to Magic School

Harry entered into the platform through the wall with his friends.
Some of them looked excited.
Some of them appeared joyful.
Having a pleasant lunch on the train,
all of the students were looking forward to seeing their old friends.

The scenery was magnificent and splendid in the afternoon.
The students bought candy from a train attendant.
Some got a fresh and unexpected flavor of lollipop.
Some got an interesting gift from the lucky bag.
When Harry took a nap,
the others were happily playing wizard chess.

After a couples of hours,
A gorgeous young witch came to wake up Harry from his sleep.
She has flawless face and always polite.
Shall there be a dance party,
Harry will ask her out on a date.
Then, they smiled and chatted for a while.

Suddenly, Ring! Ring! Ring! (Bell is ringing.)
Everyone got off the train.
A Giant came to bring them to school.
All the juniors were shocked and shy.
Move! Move! Move! ( “don’t stay there.” The giant said.)
They are ready to start a whole new journey,
it will be a fabulous memory.

Entering the hall,
the flags were flying above their heads to welcome the freshman.
Listening to the principal,
there was a feast awaiting everyone.
Raising thier head,
they saw the ceiling kept changing its colors.
After the dinner,
the owl returned to thier masters.

It’s been a long day,

Harry had a fantastic school day.

Harry Potter is my favorite movie. When I wrote this poem, all the scene of this movies just like time machine, it bring back lots of  magic and happy childhood memory to me. I remember the first time I went to the theater to see Harry Potter, it was amazing and incredible that someone could create such a masterpiece.

Without one shoe, a poem by Nishu Mathur, India ( in-class task)


Vocabulary & Definitions

 1. very loud; involving strong feelings, especially feelings of approval
 2. involving a lot of change and confusion and/ or violence

1. (noun.) a circle of flowers and leaves that is worn on the head or around the neck or is hung in a room as decoration
2. (verb.) to decorate sb/sth with a garland or garlands

1. an extremely strong feeling of happiness and excitement that usually lasts only a short time

1. (noun.) a movement in which sb turns over completely, with their feet over their head, on the ground or in the air.
2. (verb.) to turn over completely in the air

*  spectacle:
1. (noun.) a performance or an event that is very impressive and exciting to look at
2.  a sign or view that is very impressive to look at 
3. an unusual or surprising sight or situation that attracts a lot of attention

2013年2月21日 星期四

Life and Words

Contemplating the sea,
I free myself from the noisy city.

Sitting under the shadow of a tree,
I am missing the one I love.

Standing in the middle of the garden,
I smell the fragrance of blossom.

Gazing the sunset on the balcony,
I am thinking the meaning of life.

Staring out the window,
I saw a shiny shooting star crossing the night sky.

Walking along the river alone,
I am considering the road not taken.

Life is so long,
it could be complicated and dramatic.

So, the world of words is much better and happier
than anything real